And fyi, shelby has learned how to point at everything and then say what it is in a whispering foreign tongue that neither of us can understand. She is pretty social and very busy watching the world go by, trying if she may, to emerge herself into her enviroment as much as her body and parents will allow. Shelby is on the verge of walking and testing her boundries and us every step of the way. Tantrums on the homefront are frequent at the moment, but when she is out and about she tends to be quite polite. Simon and I can't wait to take her to the states to show her off!
As for us (the parents), we have a wedding tomorrow and aunt Charlotte and our friend from the faroes are coming to stay so I best get myself to the grocery store and do some shopping for a new cardigan for my wedding outfit. Simon says it reveals too much otherwise...bye bye now!
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