I don't know if I can get any bigger! Even if I do get bigger I don't know if I can let you see me bigger:) This is week 34-35 (almost to my ninth month, Whit!)
Breaking News: I was supposed to stop teaching the first of June but because of some slight (nothing to worry about) pregnancy stuff I stopped today, Monday, May 20, 2008. I must say that I have enjoyed being pregnant and working. Time ZOOMED by. Now I really get to cut loose and spend some time tying up some loose ends around the house, enjoying Simon and I's last time in solitude etc. We have been reading book after book, preparing for our little girl to arrive, but I'm beginning to understand that there is really nothing we can do to prepare for this special time in our lives. There are no formulas to raise a child. One must just do the best they can and learn from the journey. Half the books I read contradict each other anyway. Crapfire. Don't kids come with an instruction manuel... a little tag hanging off their big tow (toe) upon delivery would be nice.
So: no more language school, teaching, or church activities aside from attending. Hurray for freedom. Even though she's still heavy and I am not quite as free...I had to cut vaccuming the kitchen in half because I got too tired. Do the rest of it later.
These pictures show what we have been doing in the mean time. I can't believe the weather has been so nice!! Last Sunday we were at the beach for about 3 hours in about 80 degree weather...luxus package thank you! Well, I'm going to go take nap now. Miss yawl! O yes, Simon handed in his bachelor paper today. Freedom, a woo wee!
1 kommentar:
I hope we all get to hang out sometime soon. Are you guys coming to the obx at all this summer with the little one?
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