On a more serious note, Simon and I engaged in a marriage PREPcourse this weekend with our church. PREP is an international concept for strengthening and improving marriages. We and seven other couples spent our Saturday being humbled and enlightened by three professionals. Do you ever get professional in marriage? I don't think so but I guess they knew what they were talking about. We were also given material which was pretty much the guidelines everyone follows.
One part that I was especially impressed with was conflict managment. Simon and I try to avoid getting into heated discussions that involve raising our voices. We realize this sometimes is not always a good thing. Anyway, in order to proceed in a "healthy heated dialogue" we found a little "dance", if you will, that could help. We learned it in a workbook we did before marriage but it never made any sense to me until now...when we need it! You take something in your hand and you hold it. For example, a pen. This is your microphone. When one of us wants to talk we hold the pen in our hand. Then after the other specifies what he or she wants in life, the relationship, etc...the other, who is not holding the microphone, repeats exactly what "the talker" has said. When the first one is done he/she passes the "microphone" to the other who explains how he/she feels about it. Then the first repeats and so on and so forth back until you both agree or agree to disagree, or at least heard what the other person said. Then you hug and kiss and make out, yeah right, but for the most part your kun lidt happy. I thought it was great at least.
One of Simon's friends who has been married for about 25 years joked with him that if he partcipates in a PREPcourse once a year he doesn't have to talk to his wife for another 365 days. That's a lot of grace and I think it went to Simons head a little today. I reminded him that it was not reality. I am so wise:)
Anyway, Simon and I love each other for all of you who are worried that we took a course because we don't. These classes just give us the extra umph! Please keep us in your prayers.
Another thing, I am going through an emotional bout with Steve Irwins death. It is sad to me to see a man so passionate for animals and life leave this earth. I have found myself teary eyed during the six o'clock news and scanning MSNBC. Lord, bless his wife and kids who are without a husband and dad! May Steve be a blessing to your animal kingdom! Do not argue with me here. All dogs go to heaven and so do crocodiles! and hunters!
Crikey, Courtney and Simon
3 år siden
2 kommentarer:
i'm with you on the Croc Hunter drama! He is the most passionate man i've ever met even though he wears a kahki banana hammock.
Rock on
hey, we went out with a bang, and i am sure that kitty cats go to heaven too, if crocodiles do. hey i have read about that pen test in our couples Bible, does it really work? it seems like it would make me more angry. dont tell chad about that 365 day thing, he will sign up in a second (hee hee)
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